2.5 more work days until my retirement.
now thats its nearing--
im getting a little sad.
my job sucks-- but at the same time it is incredible.
i see things no 20-something kid should see, i cry with patients, i cry after i get yelled at and harassed BY patients, i get frustrated with the health system, i do cpr and save someone's life, i do cpr and witness a patient's last breath.
if you want to see a real life roller coaster come follow me for 12 hours in the ER. its definitely life changing-- and after my 2 years of working in the ER im definitely a different- but better nurse and person.
in case you were unaware our hospital is in a low income underserved area. our patient population is very poor people who don't have insurance, healthcare or money to take care of themselves. its a frustrating job. but at times its incredibly rewarding.
and.... im going to miss that.
plus a few of my coworkers are pretty amazing people.
and im going to miss them.
so. the countdown ticks away-- and next tuesday i say goodbye to my first 'real career' and continue on my journey to my next career. hmm. i wonder how many i'll have before i'm 30! haha.
in other countdowns: 1 month until we move!!!
the office is totally packed.
a lot of platters and unused dishes/items are packed.
sheets/towels/unused items packed.
did i mention the office is totally packed? 100's of books. ew.
oh and multiple more loads were taken to goodwill.
so its going well.
off to class tomorrow.
love & peace