Monday, June 30, 2008

dove message

so yesterday. i picked up a little dove chocolate. this was my message... 

" if they can do it, so can you."

that was after i found out lots of folks have already passed boards. perfect timing. after sharing this story with a dear friend... she reminded me... doves are messengers of God. 


surf city usa

i wish i had a picture of my current location... its so beautiful here in surf city, n.c. there are a good 15 people staying in a 4bedroom house just across the street from the ocean. this weekend the count will go up to 18! :) anyway from our balcony you can see the amazing ocean and hear the huge waves. its a gorgeous clean beach with huge waves! 

the snider clan ::llewellyn actually:: are from illinois so they dont exactly get to go to the beach everyday. ive been so spoiled to be living on an island the past four summers. i take it for granted... a lot. 

i am looking forward to the week ahead- concluding the studying. laying on the beach. relaxing. taking my test. and becoming a freeeee woman. off to study before bedtime... ill have some pics soon. :) 

love and peace-

Sunday, June 29, 2008

snapshots of fun

This is the Hope for Africa Children's Choir out of Uganda that we were able to see perform in St. Mary's Georgia. The choir is touring all over the United States and luckily spent 2 weeks visiting South Georgia Methodist Churches. They are out of the Humble United Methodist School in Uganda. While they were in the South GA area they stayed at Epworth- so I was blessed to meet them and hang out with them. It was an amazing experience. I was actually house-sitting for the woman who was their sponsor here in GA. I was able to talk with her and learn a lot about their school and the opportunities that are available to go to Uganda and work at their school. The thought has crossed my mind and I am hoping that in the near future I will be heading to Uganda and visit these children and their amazing school. 

Here is just a cute lil pic from the night me and museum man went skating at "Skateland 17". Yeah it should have been called "sketchland". LOTS of fun- we both are pretty good on skates- but def a SKKKKETTTCHHYY place! 

This is just a little reunion shot from LT 05! Four of us were counselors... and then the other three were our campers!!! that are now counselors!! haha... well by camper i mean they were seniors in high school/or had just graduated and went to either Mission Macon or Youth Leadership Academy. pretty funny!
Last but not least another cute Museum man and Nurse shot... this time at capture the flag. we didnt play though... the smile... its an Allison Snider smile... :) 

Thursday, June 26, 2008

do i need stitches nurse danielle?

words you never want to here... but today i heard them a couple times. luckily (?) i only had one yes. it was definetly a tramatic morning at the beach for a couple of kids, which led to a busy morning for myself. a poor innocent soul found out what happens when you step on an oyster shell... your skin slices open and you get five stitches. Now I must say I have seen some bad cuts. heck- I have had some bad cuts... but this def had the fat tissue hanging out. quite gross. five stitches -and many many tears later- all was back in place and the kid was good to go right back to camp. quite a trouper. the other cuts just had to be glued together. im sure the little island clinic loved us today! haha...

anyway other than the tramatic morning the day ended nicely with some good friends and fun. i am soooo ready to be done with this studying thing though. i will say that. next thursday will not come soon enough! i spent a lot of time studying today- but tonight had fun hanging out with great friends who worked way back in 05...when all the cool kids did. :) haha....

this weekend should be fun. studying will be intense... but lots of good camp friends are coming to the island... and then off to snider family vacation. :)

peace and love.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

so its been a while...

... but ive been busy! 
taking care of puking kids, skint knees, headaches and tummy aches and all the in between. we are in the middle of camp week 3- which just so happens to be the first week of elementary kids. the things these little kids say just make me chuckle... for instance. the other day in the museum... the museum man (who just happens to be my boyfriend... convenient i know. the camp nurse and the museum man are dating... haha) anyway- museum man asked what do you think circuit riders would carry in their saddlebags? the response that came was... "war and peace". yes. war and peace... that came from a 9year old. throughout the day... all day...  comments like this arise and just make me chuckle. 

so camp is good. very long days and the sun is HOT here... but its fun and beautiful. the best part of camp is the sunset every single night. its unbelievable. 

this is my favorite sunset from last summer... you can't get much better than this... 

so back to camp... every week we have an intense game of camp-wide capture the flag. lots and lots of fun. 120 kids running around like crazy kids looking for a flag that is normally never found. as the nurse it can be my busiest night. lots of injuries normally arise, but luckily nothing too serious. most of the time i enjoy participating and getting decked out with the kiddies... here is a quite flattering shot from last week... 

Thats about all i have so far... well actually i have forgotten the one thing that takes  up the majority of my time... studying. THATS REALLLLLY ALLLL I DO. I spend hours and hours a day studying for my boards- which i will take NEXT WEEK. I am a bit anxious, but dang after all this studying I am confident ill be fine. really. its obnoxious how much time i spend working. this independence day will probably be the best of my life... for the main reason that i will be FREE from STUDYING FOREVER!!!! (or until i choose).... haha... anyway here is a last shot of the chalkboard thats in my office. the lovely drawings done by the amazing Mary Pinson. so for now thats all i got... ill be back soon. ill be back much sooner than i was this time... 

peace and love.