Sunday, October 26, 2008


let me recap my day. 

1. went to duke chapel: 

granted its no LaGrange College chapel
and they def dont have as cool as a pastor as Alvin...

but good grief what a service it is. If you have been you understand. Think of what you would consider "high church". very formal. very serious. very traditional. very everything like that. if you can think of that... you are thinking of duke chapel. its an hour and a half of a beautiful service of incredible music (the choir is like 100folks), always a fabulous sermon, and such a different experience than the previous week. i can't describe it- but luckily ryan and i both love it. its a nice change from the good old UMC church (that i do also love). anyway going to duke chapel for church is unlike anything else in the world- and we figure we dont have our whole lives to go there- so might as well go while we can. 

ok enough about that. if you come on a sunday we will take you. you may or may not like it. we love it. so yeah... its cool. anywayyyyy

after church ry worked out. i sat on a random bench and read. it was spectacular. the weather was perfect. gorgeous blue sky. breeze. mmm. so good. 

next we went to eat at noodles and company. mmm. talk about some good noodles... basically you go in and pick your noodle type- the sauce- then add some meat... and you are in for a delicious treat. 

afterwards we went to the div school library for ry to do things... 

finally we headed home and parted our ways... 

i hung out with some great friends tonight... then went over to ry's to watch a movie. a horrible one at that. "the strangers" is the title. enough said. but really. its awful. its scary. made me yell. made me say a bad word. yes. it made me. AND its just a sucky movie. like weird. and strange. and crappy. so yeah. i dont recommend it. 

(i will say it was super fun to cuddle up next to ryan and be really scared and silly and bury my head in his chest. it was a lot of fun really... haha) 

so after watching an episode of "paris hiltons new bff" -also dont recommend UNLESS you need something to get your mind off scary things.... - i headed home and am seated here now. typing away. about to turn on the tele and head to bed. 

i have my list of things to do tomorrow sititng on my desk. 
we shall see what i accomplish. 

:) love and peace....

1 comment:

Sara said...

1. i miss you
2. i like your new pics at the top. how'd you end up doing it?