Friday, April 23, 2010

a real post....

::lake j last weekend::
all the pics are from our mini mountain vacay

well i have finally come up with an extensive book list.
its long.
quite long.
but im going to push through and just start reading as much of it as i can before school!
4months... should be able to knock lots out.
hopefully by having a list i can stay on top of my reading- AND book buying.
i tend to buy lots and lots of books.
i am planning on not buying any more books
unless its on my list.
and after i have read it.
yes. after i have read it.
i plan on checking out the books from the local library...
or pulling them off the shelf in our family library...
and only buying if i love it.
we shall see how that goes!

the current read is "the member of the wedding" a classic by carson mccullers.
so far its good. not really going to be a favorite- but its def a good (and quick) read.
next up is The Road by mcarthy. ill keep you posted on my reading progress as i go through.
then perhaps do a lil mini book review afterwards.

today i accomplished lots of school work-
(all my classes for the week- now just need to do the hw & quiz)
ran some errands-
and had a fun lil date with my hubs-
local brick oven pizza place
(broad street cafe)
followed by a lil ben & jerry's!
mmmmmm. so good!

ry & i are going out tonight to celebrate the end of classes for him & his friends!
should be lots of fun.
he has finals all next week... aka LOTS OF PAPERS!
then home free until semptember! woohooo.

speaking of ry... here he is before the big meeting.
lookin so gooood ;)

well thats life for now...
well except for possibly the most exciting news in my life right now...
IM GOING TO FLORIDA in THREE WEEKS!! from today actually!
crazy long story- but basically im flying down to see sara! wooooo
then driving my mema back to georgia...
spending time with MY FAMILY...
then back to nc!
its going to be crazy, but soooo awesommmmeeee.

ok. well back to reading.
before we go celebrate.

:) Love & Peace

1 comment:

JM said...

The Road is one of my absolute fave books. It is hard to read but so well written and fab!