Monday, March 22, 2010


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful
colossians 3.15

429. finding treasures
433. copavida coffeehouse
435. finding a great outfit at a great price
437. rice
440. free shoes
441. pandora instrumental station
443. bird's chirping in the woods out back
444. open back door
445. fresh breeze moving through the house
448. mudhouse sabbath
450. serving communion at the chapel
452. my husband's sermons
456. an afternoon with ryan
457. saving 20$ at the grocery!

so much to be thankful for.
today is such a beautiful day
-despite the prediction of a thunderstorm-
bright blue sky, green grass, yellow flowers
spring is finally here!

love & peace

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Enjoyed reading your list! Is "mudhouse sabbath" the name of a book? I was thinking it sounded familiar. Looking forward to seeing signs of spring our way soon.