Tuesday, March 16, 2010


'let the heart of those who seek the Lord be glad'
1. chronicles 16.10

...i think 'glad' is such a funny word.
sounds strange. or weird. or something.
maybe thats just me.

here are a few things im glad about...

(this flower represents lots.... such as the hint of spring coming... and my bestest friend sara- whom i miss soooo much- darn 700 miles for separating us)

my mom.... although she is not looking... and im blocking half of her. oh well. its still me. and her. and the Vanderbilt mansion

and finally my stack of books... the ones im reading during lent.
they are each SO SO GOOD. and for very different reasons.

in the order (top to bottom)
with a sweet link to look at them further:

dancing with my father by Clarkson

mudhouse sabbath by lauren winner
(who i will add is a duke div professor- and who has a couple of books i LOVE)

crayola markers- pip squeks (best markers EVER)

Bread & Wine- readings for lent & easter

my sweet Bible

my journal


it was a good week.
full of ups and downs, but overall i had such a good time with ryan and my mom in the mountains. lots and lots and LOTS of good food.
lots of relaxing.
basketball watching.
and enjoying life.

love & peace

1 comment:

Annesta said...

I have enjoyed visiting your blog. I really like the way you write. It's clean and simple and to the point.
You are reading some great books.
Blessings to you