Thursday, January 1, 2009


so ive been tagged a few times in people's lists of "seven things people dont know about me"... i didn't want to just make one quickly. ive thought about it. some. and here it is

SEVEN random things about me.

1. i am notorious for taking pictures WHILE driving down the interstate. of things like trees, sunsets, sunrises, the sky, or anything i see that deserves a picture.

2. i am learning how to crochet. im not good. but im having fun.

3. i love the ocean. LOVE it. sitting and looking at it- how big it is and how small i am. and gosh its beautiful! same goes for mountains. LOVE THEM. so so so gorgeous, and strong, and huge.

4. i kinda want to be a high school biology/anatomy teacher and coach hs basketball. ...i know. its random. i had a dream about it a few months ago... and was like. hm. sounds good.

5. if i could have any super hero power... i would fly. i love flying. love it... i love stepping on an airplane and stepping off somewhere half way around the world. ive thought about being a flight attendent.... but unless ry was with me on those trips i dont think so.

6. i want to (once again) be fluent in spanish. i was back a few years ago... after a summer in mexico working at a mission base and translating... that'll do it. but 5 years back in the states without using it constantly... its floating away. i still know a lot... but i need to step up my game.

7. traveling is my favorite thing to do. whether its a weekend trip or 2 weeks somewhere- i LOVE it. i kinda made a pack with myself to travel outside of the country once a year... and then to always be open to spontaneous trips. never say no to traveling. go places. see the world. id go anywhere. yes. anywhere. hopefully ry will be able to always be with me. but even if not its still a love of mine!

so there is my seven things.
perhaps ill have FIVE things to say about 2008 coming up...
and then perhaps ill tell you about my new years resolution.

im enjoying the last few days of vacation before work comes...
peace and love and happy new year

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