Friday, October 10, 2008

success X 2.

before i begin my success story. i must clarify something. the test ry dominated was "easier" and it wasn't his "big hard jw midterm". and he did well on it. dont tell people his actual grade if you found out. shh. its a secret. his overly excited girlfriend shouldn't actually share #'s. just that he did well. or something. anyway. thats that. ok success story #1.

1. my car isn't totally done-zo. i just neeeded a new battery. thankfully it was just that. back in may- when we bought the car little bro told me thta the battery would need replacing sometime. he was right. but luckily its just that and ill be cruisin down to ga with no prob in a mere FIVE or so DAYS!!!

2. we have a roommate. 100% sure. and she is fabulous! far anyway... haha. jk. unless she is totally 2 sided and has a whole other side i havne't seen (or seen on facebook) then its going to be great. im really happy it has worked out bc man oh man i was nervous!

the roomie moves out sunday! her parents and the moving truck will be here tomorrow. so crazy. its quite sad. we are going out for a big dinner tonight- which is exciting, but still im sad to see her go! luckily ill see her again- since she is going to savannah- but itll be different around here!

oh and since she is moving out- im moving in to her big room. i know. its going to be a lot of work- and i could be nice and let the new girl have the big room- but i really want it. its dark with only one window- which will be imp. when i start working nights. has a great view of the woods (my current view is of the neighbors and some trees, and its much bigger. so yeah. ill post some pics when i get moved iN!

much love and peace-

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