Sunday, October 19, 2008


The MacMinn's
::extended edition!::
from L-R: Brother Rich, Britnia, Corrie, Andrew, Mom, Cousin Ashley (in front), Kelsey, Me, Brother Ben, Dad
our trip to china!
(or the front of the awesome chinese restaurant)
brothers, me, mom

the who?!? I am a what?!!

alumni. yikes.

the magical silver shoes.

did i mention i was SUNBURNT!

this is a new family dog. "meeko". name that movie...
also it was cute. he has this navy little hoodie.. and i had a navy hoodie...
it was real cute. except for my face.
woahhh. it hurts.


Sara said...

i love tu familia!

Sara said...

p.s. im back to spending all my hours on the blog.